Regular Services
Modern jobs and shift patterns mean not everyone is free to attend worship on a Sunday.
Everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday Morning.
Every Thursday
9am Holy Communion Service
Our mid-week quiet and reflective service followed by refreshments.
Our Sundays vary in style so that there is something for everyone.
Every Sunday
8:30am Holy Communion Service
Our early morning quiet and reflective service with no singing
1st Sunday of the Month
10am Communion Service
Our traditional service with hymns and choir. Our children have their own groups during this service.
2nd Sunday of the Month
10am Morning Worship
Our band lead singing and we focus on God’s words in the Bible. Our children have their own groups during this service.
3rd Sunday of the Month
10am All Together Communion Service
Our service where we worship together as a family of all ages.
4th Sunday of the Month
10am Build @ St Mary’s
Our service starts with sharing breakfast together and then is packed full of fun.
5th Sunday of the Month
There is no 10am service on the 5th Sunday of the month. Instead, we engage in community service as individuals or as a group. To discover what we have planned, or to learn how you can help others in your community, please contact us.